Showing posts with label Course updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Course updates. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2009

Open For Play

The golf course will once again be open for play starting today. Although the entire course is not playable at this time, there has been enough interest to open the course as is.

At this time only eleven holes are truly playable, while the other holes range from partial snow cover to nearly complete cover. Please use great care while out on the golf course due the numerous areas in which snow and ice are still in place.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Golf Course is Open Take II

After 12 days of melting from the latest snowfall the course is once again open for play. The supplies are being put back out on the course such as trash cans, ballwashers and tee markers. The GHIN system goes into effect on Friday so scores can now be posted therefore requiring a true golf course setup.

Fairways Being Blown Off

First Greens Mowing of 2008

Other preparations that have been made to the course are that greens, tees and fairways have been blown off removing the large quantities of Elk droppings that have accumulated over the winter. Additionally the greens have been mowed for the first time of the year. Even though we are not growing yet, mowing helps remove the desiccated portion of the grass blade and gives the plant a kick start towards promoting new growth.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow Covered

So far this winter we have enjoyed an extended snow cover which is great for the course from a moisture standpoint as well as providing winter protection. The snow acts as a protective cover that insulates the ground and greatly reduces turf loss due to desiccation. On the negative side of things the potential for Snow Mold activity is greatly increased under prolonged snow covers. Preventive fungicide applications were made last fall just prior to the first snowfall to help protect the course. I would expect some minor Snow Mold breakthrough in a few areas, but nothing that won’t be quickly overcome once spring arrives.

This has been the only play on the course all winter