Today marked a big day for construction on the driving range tee. After numerous delays caused by the weather, we were finally able to start bringing in the rootzone mix for the tee surface.
The rootzone mix is an 85/15 sand peat mixture that allows for rapid drainage, while still having the ability to hold on to some nutrients and moisture. This rootzone is identical to the mix used to grow the new sod that will be installed on the tee.
This is an important fact, so that a future soil inter phase issue does not occur. We will be bringing nearly 2000 tons of rootzone material which equates to nearly 80 end dump loads. This is a slow process that will take us nearly a week to complete the installation of material.
Final Prep To Tee Subsurface
End Dump Unloading Material
Spreading The Rootzone Material

Final Prep To Tee Subsurface

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