Another positive step towards the ultimate completion of the driving range renovation took place today.
Just over 20,000 feet of new sod was installed today on and around two of the newly constructed target green complexes. Both the 100yd and 135yd target greens now appear as they have been there all along now that grass is down. The shaping that was done on these greens reflects similarities to what is found on the golf course, so that more purposeful practice sessions can take place.
The next area that will be final graded and prepped for sod will be the 185yd target green. With any cooperation from the weather, I will be hoping to have this sodded by the end of next week. In the mean time we continue to receive truck after truck of rootzone mix for the tee surface, of which we have still not reached the half way point.
Final Grading

Initial Watering
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