Thursday, March 12, 2009

Course Setup

All of the golf course accessories have been put back out in preparation for the upcoming season. These items include; tee markers, ball washers, trash cans and bunker rakes. The accessories were pulled from the course last fall prior to winter, so that they could be refurbished for the upcoming season.

This coming Sunday the 15th is when the GHIN handicap system becomes active for Colorado and scores can once again be posted. This date has created a deadline for us to put the final touches on the course before posting begins.

The biggest challenge we have ahead of us is getting the bunkers ready for play. Throughout the winter the sand has shifted and become full of Elk droppings and each item needs to be dealt with accordingly. The Elk droppings and Pine needles must be blown out of the bunker before any of the sand can be moved.

The sand itself has shifted due to wind, snow melt and animal foot traffic on the steep face portions of them. Every spring the sand depths are checked so that there is a compacted two inch depth on the faces and four inches in the bottoms. This is done by measuring the existing depth throughout each bunker and making adjustment where necessary. Sometimes this involves just moving the sand internally in the bunker or when additional sand is needed it must be brought in.

Course supplies are back out

Bunker cleanup taking place