Thursday, February 26, 2009

Real Greens

The time has come to put the pins back in the greens and open them up for play. For each of the last fourteen years we have utilized temporary greens during the winter months of December thru February. The total potential rounds that are affected by the use of temporaries is less than 100, so the impact of this decision is low.

This decision was made to do everything possible to protect and allow the greens to be highly playable early in the season. Utilizing temporary greens has been one of the best things that can be done to help achieve these goals. Perhaps one of the most important benefits from temporary greens is the edge that is given us over Poa Annua encroachment. Poa is a winter annual and can still be active throughout the winter months when all other cool season grasses are dormant. The wear and tear of play during times in which zero recovery of the desired turf species can take place creates openings for the Poa to become established.

Below are the links for two great articles from the USGA that detail the benefits of the use of temporary greens during the winter months.